Framework Solution

CSRD - Streamlined, Automated, Compliant.

Meet regulatory reporting requirements with the highest degree of confidence, transparency, and auditability.

Frequently Asked Questions

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The CSRD is a European Union (EU) legislation requiring EU and qualifying non-EU companies to disclose environmental and social impact and how their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) actions affect their business. The European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) are a central element of the CSRD and specify how and what information and metrics companies must report to comply with the CSRD.
The CSRD applies to a broader range of companies compared to its predecessor, the NFRD. Specifically, it applies to:
CSRD is organized into cross-cutting standards and topic-specific standards. The Cross-Cutting Standards apply universally to all reporting entities and cover general principles and requirements for sustainability reporting. Topic-specific standards are divided into environmental, social, and governance (ESG) topics and provide detailed requirements for each area. A double materiality analysis determines the specific topics to be reported on.
The XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) reporting format is a standardized language for electronic business and financial data communication, enabling efficient, accurate, and automated data exchange and analysis. CSRD is submitted in XBRL format to ensure standardized, machine-readable reporting that enhances sustainability data's transparency, accuracy, and comparability across companies. This facilitates efficient data analysis, regulatory oversight, and informed decision-making by stakeholders, including investors, regulators, and analysts. is auditable by design, ensuring each data point and response is linked to the underlying sources. This allows assurance and audit parties to access your reporting at a view-only permission level for a collaborative and transparent environment.
Once you build your assessment team, you determine the pace. Our approach, designed for efficiency, provides seamless tracking, follow-up, and notifications to remind team members of deliverables and deadlines, saving you time and reducing stress.

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